Why is everything TBE (aka The Boss Erratic)
does the retail equivalent of wearing a fur coat and no knickers? It looks good
on the surface, (if you like that sort of thing), but underneath it’s all total
disorganised carnage.
(OK, probably best to pop a quick note in here:
I have no idea what your nether regions look like, and I’m certainly not saying
that everyone’s knickerless loveliness is disorganised carnage. I mean, it
might be, but that’s your business, not mine. No, this is simply a metaphor for
how generally shit TBE is about the stuff behind the gorgeous image. But you
get that, don’t you?).
Definitely best kept covered........Photo: Shop Girl Tales. |
So, the latest idea is two 5ft high, puffball
shaped topiary trees, one either side of the doorway to the Out Of Favour (OOF)
I can’t deny they look gorgeous. I can’t deny
they make the tatty outside of the shop look attractive. And I can’t deny the
customers really like them.
Unfortunately, so do the wasps.