The coffee machine has basically had it. I
think it’s seen what a clusterfuck the Out Of Favour shop has become and has
decided to slowly shut itself down in order to escape.
For those of you happily uninitiated in the
ways of barista-ism, there are three, ‘stick your cup under,’ parts on even the
most basic commercial coffee machines, (which, of course, is what the Out Of
Favour shop has):
1) The circular bit that grabs onto the big
spoon thingy full of ground coffee, and filters hot water through it; 2) The
hot water spout – like a kettle, only posher; 3) The steam spout – for frothing
milk and generally burning your hands.
The steam spout is pretty much essential. Without
it there is no frothy milk – and no frothy milk means no cappuccinos and
Obviously, not having a working frothy spout
thing is a fairly massive problem for a coffee shop, and in any normal shop,
with a normal boss, it would cause panic and an undignified scrabble to get it
fixed as soon as possible.
But I don’t work for a normal boss. I work for
The Boss Erratic (TBE), and clearly she doesn’t see this as the problem I do.